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  • Attendee allowed to re-attend any of the course sessions or hold or postpone the whole program or any of its sessions within or during one year Only.

  • Only 2 -3 absences are permitted throughout the duration of a course.

  • Attendee is not allowed by any mean to violate the Center, program and instructor copyrights through audio or video recording to any of

    the instructor to do that, or either copying any of the program materials and handouts for any commercial use or to distribute it or copying

  • In case of violating any of the Center, program and instructor rules and regulations regarding its copyrights by any mean, the program will be terminated for the attendee with no

    the attendance.
    REFUND POLICY: If attendee fail to attend the confirmed course, cancellation fees are applied as follow: . 90% before the beginning of the course.
    . 75% before second class.
    . No refund after second class regardless of attendance. 

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